They talk about us

Ils parlent de nous
NEED2FISH is a company based in the heart of Haute-Loire. Department where nature is still preserved, it is here that its creator, fervent defender of the environment finds most of his inspiration there.

Three words characterize our brand:

Passion, Innovation, Respect for the environment

Thus NEED2FISH is at the origin of the first weighted head without lead Biodegradable patent EN 16548 79, and continues to create new materials and concepts for the passion, the sport fisherman and the environment.
We find in the article of a fishing Max , the DNA of NEED2FISH and their leitmotif.

Thus, the brand continues its development and especially its innovation with the GREENFISH project.

This project aims to develop the first material to create a biodegradable lure in Marine condition. It goes without saying that the degradation kinetics will be controlled and calculated.

Today, the lures of the markets show a deterioration but only in "homecompost". You will understand that no lure ends up in the compost of the house. Hic!! The unprecedented innovation that NEED2FISH will offer sport fishermen from 2025. It is a trout lure with controlled degradation kinetics in the marine environment. To be continued then.

In the eco-friendly lure range, there is the SULTAN OF SWIM 75 AND 63 , ultra-efficient ZINC-weighted trout minnows intended for tracking trout, perch, blackbass and asps. We can also mention the ZN-SWIM, the first eco-friendly ZINC 14g chatter for all predators and specifically for blackbass and pike in combo, it works very well.

For the search of the Northern pike, we develop incredible mediums and big bait, ultra design, return here the article on our Statam .
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